Printmaker | Art Book Maker | Teacher
Atracciones Eternas/Eternity Attractions; 2024; Screenprint ; 20x22"; $850
Naturaleza / Nature; 2024; Screenprint; 28.76x11"; $750
Destino / Destiny; 2020; Silk aquatint collagraph; 30x22"; $975
Anaatomia de un lenguaje; 2020; Collagraph/screenprint collage; 22x15"; $850
Tu y Yo / You and Me; 2013; Woodcut/lithography; 30x88"; $1,300
Right: Gallo Mañanero / Morning Rooster; 2008; Screenprint , polymer photogravure, chine collé. Far right: Be the change you want to see (Tribute to Minerva Johnican); 2009; Collograph/polymer photogravure chine collé; 27x20"; $975 Tia Puruca; 2008; Intaglio photo gravure / silk aquatint collagraph; 30x22”; $1200 |